Friday, July 25, 2008

The First One

i have thought about writing a blog for ages and then given up the idea then again thought of it then again given up the idea. so here i am at this (hopefully successful) endeavor again. I should be honest and tell everyone that one of my friends Mr Arpit urf sparky started back his blog again yesterday so that is kinda the catalyst that prompted me to start this thing.

So the first thing i would want all of you guys who are reading this to know about me is "MAIN BHUTTE KA DALAL HU". I sell bhuttas which i dont possess and i buy bhuttas which are of absolutely no need to me. Now to write it in a nice sophisticated manner in the english language (which the common admission test proves i am quite good at:P) i am a derivatives trader trading corn futures.I would give detailed info about bhutta trading sometime later.

I am quite narcissistic and would mostly keep on rambling about myself but sometimes there would be issues that may affect me significantly so i may write about them as well. Abhi i guess i would end the post here itself and sleep. LIFFE will teach me about bhutta tradin tomorrow so have to get up early for that. (its not a i mentioned my english is quite gud)


aditya said...

"my english is very good" - :D

Good stuff !!!!

Arpit said...

yaar teri english badi sahi hai!! :P
welcome to blogging :)